(A) Description
(B) Model
Culture as Creative
Victoria, Australia
05/2019 –11/2019
Age in place was the exploration and design of a downsizing in place strategy for an elderly couple who wanted to stay in their house as long as was possible. Culture as Creative provided some building & planning code advice as well as construction drawings for a proposed division of their house.
Over the coming decades, our ability to accomodate an aging population, will be a measure of equity for cities. Growing evidence that aging in community results in better mental and physical health outcomes, creates opportunities and impetus for the design of flexible and accessible cities and architecture.(1) This project raised questions in my own practice about how houses can be designed or renovated with the future in mind, this project was easier to action because there were two bedrooms at either end of the house. An accessible solution to issues of insufficient housing stock and an elderly population is to design buildings that can grow or shrink based on the needs of their occupants.
Role: lead architect
Team: Kholisile Dhliwayo, Lungile Makore
(1)Prosper, Vera. “Aging in Place in Multifamily Housing.” Cityscape 7, no. 1 (2004): 81–106.
Blanchard, Janice. “Aging in Community: The Communitarian Alternative to Aging in Place, Alone.” Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging 37, no. 4 (2013): 6–13.

(C) Drawings & Diagrams

(D) Site Photographs

(E) Research
What are the stats?

How much house is enough?

How much house is enough?
(A) - (E) Research, diagrams & architectural drawings and model produced by Kholisile Dhliwayo