(A) Research

(B) Description
(C) Diagrams
Culture as Creative + Urban Lab
Narrm-Melbourne, Australia
10/2021 –12/2021
Call & response: Black Box is both a critique of and a proposed solution to the lack of diversity of the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). The proposal is tilted Black Box, because by virtue of its contents being curated by 6 under-represented artist collectives, will be unfamiliar to the NGV establishment.
The Box itself has various modes of operation that allow each collective to use it in unique ways, through the use of projectors moving images can be shown on any of the internal walls, ceiling and floor. In addition to that spot lights can be rigged to the box scaffolding for performances.
It is important that the 6 collectives be given a budget and free reign, in a form of post-institutional curation. We believe that post-institutional curation is already happening on the internet and on platforms such as
tik-tok, instagram and twitter. Bringing this form of curation is important to break the patterns of a public institution that has perpetually prioritised western notions of relevance and art, at the expense of the diversity of cultures that call Australia home.
Role: co-lead architect
Team: Kholisile Dhliwayo & Gwinyai Dzinotyiwei

(D) Renders

(E) Drawings

(A) - (D) done by Kholisile Dhliwayo & Gwinyai Dzinotyiwei